Make Some Fun This Holiday Season

Holiday time equals fun time with family and/or friends. People gather to celebrate the season and to delight in the presence of people they love. What better way to enjoy that time by playing some fun games! And, don’t worry about making a trip to the store to buy a board game. We have some suggestions that can be a fun alternative to your same-old “roll the dice and move your piece” game.

Candy Cane Relay
Put those classic candy canes that no one eats to good use by playing this game. Divide your people into two teams. Each person gets one candy cane and will use it as a “hook” that they put in their mouth. The starting person on the team begins with a candy cane hooked onto the candy cane in their mouth. When someone says “GO”, the second person tries to get the candy cane from the starting person’s hook. Each person on the team will go down the line to the last person. The first team to go through all their teammates wins!

Guess How Many
Fill a large clear vase with small items and let your guests guess how many are in the vase. Be sure to count the items and write the amount down so you know who the winner is. Most times the small items are jellybeans, but think of something different to use, such as buttons, craft pom poms, or small ornaments.

Left-Right Gift Exchange
All players sit in a circle with a small wrapped gift. Someone reads a story that uses the words “Left” and “Right” in it (make sure those two words are used a lot – you may have to make up a story). When those two words are used, the players have to pass the gift to the right or to the left. When the story is over, the player is “left” with the “right” gift… LOL!

Play “Minute to Win It”
Set up various relay-style tasks that your guests have to complete in one minute. Here are some suggestions…

  • Cup Stack: Stack 10 cups in a pyramid, then unstack them into a single stack.
  • Catch Marshmallows: Get two players and tape a plastic cup to one person’s forehead. The other player must throw marshmallows into the cup. The team with the most marshmallows in the cup in one-minute wins.
  • One-Hand Wrap: Wrap a small box with only one hand using wrapping paper and tape.
  • Magical Snowman: Create two teams and have each team create a snowman out of one of their teammates using toilet paper (snow), old clothes, hats, scarves, etc.

See, it doesn’t take much to make a gathering fun for everyone! As you are planning good times for your holiday party, don’t forget to plan some enjoyment for yourself. Edgar’s Bath Goods provides some wonderfully soothing and exquisitely scented products that you can use during your bath time. One of our favorites is Prairie Sunset, but we have eight amazing scents to choose from. You can purchase your self-care items today, but we have some great Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals coming up! Be on the lookout for those in your inbox!

Edgar’s Bath Goods wants to wish you and yours Happy Holidays! We hope this time of the year is fun for you and full of laughter, joy, and fond memories. And as always, take care of yourself!