Here we are in another holiday season! Sheesh! Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday that we were putting away holiday decorations, and now it’s time to pull them out again. With the rapid passing of time, it is so very important to stop the madness for just one moment and take time to relax. We want to provide you with some effective ways to unwind in this busy season.
Just sit down for a moment. Close your eyes. Take a deep, cleansing breath into your lungs, and then slowly release it. Do that five more times. According to this article published by Frontiers in Physiology found through the National Library of Medicine, the simple act of taking deep breaths can reduce stress and anxiety, as well as lower resting blood pressure.
When we suggest eating as a way of relaxing, we don’t mean eat everything unhealthy that you can get your hands on. What we mean is prepare a tasty meal that is full of nutrients, fiber, protein, and healthy fat. Eating healthy foods can lower cortisol levels, which is a hormone that triggers “fight or flight” response in the body, bringing it to a tense state. A healthy diet can also give you the proper fuel to handle stressful events. See this article by the Harvard / T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Run a warm bath and insert a beautifully fragranced bath bomb made by the wonderful men and women at Edgar’s Bath Goods! We blend scents that have the ability to soothe, calm, invigorate, or enliven your senses. It all depends on which one you choose. Order several different scents to see which one is your favorite.
With all this being said, we want you to enjoy life as we wrap up 2023. Make sure you take time to relax and unwind. Your body will thank you for it!
From all of us at Edgar’s Bath Goods to you, Happy Holidays!