Father’s Day Tribute from Edgar’s Bath Goods
Just like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day can be a bittersweet time of memories and reflection. It is a time of appreciation as we acknowledge the one who worked hard and sacrificed to provide for us. This can be a father, or a father-figure. A father’s role represents strength, safety, and love. If you are a […]
Happy Mother’s Day from Edgar’s Bath Goods
Coach. Planner. Teacher. Medical responder. Cheerleader. Counselor. Referee. Chef. Leader. Giver of love. All these words and many more can be used to describe what a mother is capable of. None is perfect, but all should be honored for the sacrifices made and the contributions given to make us what we are today. Mother’s Day […]
April is National Autism Awareness Month
Edgar’s Bath Goods and Goodwill North Central Texas celebrate April as National Autism Awareness month. We’re proud to provide learning and employment opportunities for individuals on the Autism spectrum. Goodwill North Central Texas is home to the S.T.A.R.S. program, an acronym for skills training achieves results), where participants learn life skills in an interactive, realistic environment. […]
Celebrating Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate all the amazing women in the world and the many contributions women have made over the course of American history. Women hold the family together, run profitable businesses, care for their spouses, manage governmental positions, teach their children, create inventions, solve problems, oversee corporations… the list […]
Speak Words of Love
Words are used in human language to communicate with others but are often overlooked as having an impact on the receiver, whether the receiver is another person or yourself. Words have the power to encourage and inspire. Words can both liberate and imprison. Words can cut. Words can heal. Words can build self-esteem or tear down a person’s very soul. […]
Spread Love
When exploring the subject of self-care, most people focus on a person’s physical needs and mental state. Those areas are important, but the emotional side of you is important as well, and love is one of the strongest emotions in the human experience. As Valentine’s Day approaches, not everyone has a spouse or significant other […]
New Year, New Ways for Self-Care
Happy New Year! We at Edgar’s Bath Goods understand the importance of making plans and implementing changes to make life better for yourself and those who are important to you. We hope that as you make your plans for 2022, you would build in a plan to take care of yourself regularly. Here are some […]
The Sounds and Smells of the Season
The holiday season can evoke thoughts of times past and bring fond memories top of mind. There’s nothing like walking into a house and being met by loving people, wonderful scents and delightful sounds. Whatever your plans, you can tailor-make your environment so that it brings delight to the senses by using these easy to […]
Take Time to Relax
When we think about relaxing, thoughts of swinging hammocks and floating pool rafts drift into our minds. Sitting or lying down are the first actions we want to take, but did you know that you can relax through movement? Consider the following activities that can ease stress and promote good health at the same time. Yoga […]
We’re Thankful for You
November officially starts the holiday season for many people around the world. Thanksgiving, and the holiday season in general, is centered around being grateful and spending time with family and friends. But, it is also one of the most stressful times of the year for some people for varying reasons. If you find yourself subjected […]